Saturday, April 6, 2013


We have just returned from a trip to Primera Iglisia Metodista Libre church, located in Passaic, New Jersey.  We went there to train a group of college young adults to work as volunteers for our CFL Kids' Camp this summer.  

Here is a picture of these wonderful, dedicated, passionate, delightful young adults.  Many go to school full time, work a job, volunteer in the church, and help support their families.  The maturity of this group was evident from the start.  They showed up early to help set up, stayed late to help clean up, took copious notes, asked impressive questions and brought us coffee and lunch. We are so excited to have this group join our team this summer.

Pat teaching at one of the training sessions.

An extra blessing for us was to be there for Good Friday church service.  Below is the Pastor Hector Fernandez and spiritual father of our son in law, Tommy Sheerer.  Such a precious man of God.  All of the young adults we interviewed for our camp, absolutely love and respect this man.

Now we have to wait until July to reunite with our new friends and family in New Jersey.