Sunday, November 29, 2009

Israel - The Mediterranean Sea

Watching the sun set on the Mediterranean Sea, one cannot stop thinking and talking about how not too far up the coast from here, Paul and Barnabus took their first missionary journey. Acts 13:42 "Many jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabus and the two men urged them to continue to rely on the grace of God."
The sunset was beautiful and it was fun watching some kids fish as the sun was slowly setting.
Above was an elderly man fishing with nets in an old boat. We enjoyed just watching him and thinking of some of our bible heros that were fishermen when our Lord called them to come and follow Him.
Above is the beautiful view from the promenade in Netanya. With the high cliffs and t-shirt weather, we had a wonderful day.
As the locals say "Shalom."


lori bunk said...

are you serious????
chris and i are cracking up and have said the word "crazy" numerous times. i can't believe you are at the med. sea!

Tommy said...

That's cool!