Saturday, May 23, 2009

COLOMBIA, Saturday

Our morning started with our favorite breakfast on the street: AREPAS! Arepas are a kind of pancake made with corn flour and cheese on top. Muy Delicioso!

Then to the barrio for Children's Ministry. Many children came and participated. It was exciting to be there. Open Arms is going into the neighborhoods to reach the young children before they start living the life of drugs and prostitution on the streets.

Here is Pat with a few of the children. Aren't the Colombian children beautiful?

In the afternoon we made home visits to the families of the children that attend the outreaches here. The staff counsel the families and invite them to church on Sunday.

This is in one of the homes. This 74 year old grandmother is raising her granddaughters after her daughter died. The granddaughter is only 15 and has an 8 month old baby. There aren't any men around to help. This grandmother is blind in one eye and very discouraged. We visited many homes this afternoon and each one needs our prayers.

Who needs a gym membership when you walk around the mtns. of Colombia?

We are loving our time here in Colombia. As Terry once said "Follow me honey and I will show you the slums of the world!"

Thank you all for keeping us in your prayers. We have felt the hand of God on us the whole week and are grateful for all of you remembering to pray for us. Tomorrow is church, Colombian style. Jesus es poderoso!


lori bunk said...

can i just say that this blog is aweseome! i love being able to follow the mission throughout the the week.

hisbelovedlizc said...

i ditto that! Alabe al Sefior!

Keri said...

Those mountains are crazy. Mom dont even think about putting rollerblades on - ha ha. Much love - our prayers are with you!!

Mantle Ministries said...

These Mountains are crazy. But even more crazy is how FAST the buses go up and down these small skinny roads. Rollerblades? Walking is a challenge at times, but we love the ghetto. Also think about how hot the sun is when you are near the equator and then go closer to it up the mountain. Our skin is just not created for Colombian sun. Thank God someone invented sun screen.