Thursday, November 19, 2015
Posted by Mantle Ministries at 4:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Then it was off to camp, where our team took two bus loads of children to camp. Most of them did not even know what "going to camp" actually meant, but many had seen pictures of previous years and were excited to go. Once we were at camp, each morning began with Jonathan leading a group of us into worship of our Lord; a beautiful way to start our days.
Climbing the mountain each year is always a wonderful experience. To watch children accomplish something they think is impossible is such a blessing. This year the teen age boys took turns carrying a girl bound to a wheel chair up the mountain so she could participate. She was elated.
Having fun is a big part of camp. We participated in many fun filled activities where much ministry and teaching takes place.
Posted by Mantle Ministries at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Posted by Mantle Ministries at 4:38 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Terry and Pastor Bob have just returned from a pioneer trip to Lebanon to see the needs of the people and how we might be able to minister to them. With 4 million refugees living in the midst of 4 million Lebanese, the diversity of people groups is great. They were able to visit some refugee areas where families live in challenging circumstances.
They found and met many adults and children living in extreme poverty. A place needing love and hope in an area of the world where most are found hopeless.
They connected with two different ministries in the midst of the poor and refugees. Terry was able to minister a message entitled "The Chief Corner Stone" in the midst of those who have rejected Him.
Posted by Mantle Ministries at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2015
We just arrived home from a 13 day missions trip to our beloved Romania. Along with Brian and Beth we spent the entire time with our family and friends in Tragoviste. Upon arrival we met with families and friends downtown, coffee shops and in their living rooms. It was a delight. We spent three days in the beautiful mountains of Romania with several families for a get away that included a marriage seminar. Brian and Beth ministered a beautiful series on marriage and family.
We ministered both Sunday church services, men's and women's meetings, and a few sessions to the Master's Commission of Romania. These young people were passionate for the Lord and His work.
Also many blessed times with leaders in the church.

Life of Hope Church and Masters Commission Romania welcomed us into their lives and the precious times of fellowship and ministry will not be soon forgotten. It was hard to leave but God willing we will return. We will continue to pray for all and hold them in the depths of our hearts.
Posted by Mantle Ministries at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Two weeks of camp touched 120 little lives of the children that deserve it most. So many wonderful volunteers made this incredible camp happen. But all the glory and honor goes to our Lord Jesus Christ for the heart transformations. Here is a video of those incredible 2 weeks.
Posted by Mantle Ministries at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
HAITI 2015
Posted by Mantle Ministries at 5:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 3, 2015
I was asked to update my blog by relatives, friends and people that like to keep up with where in the world we are and what we are doing. So here is my attempt to catch up this year. I will try and stay more current in the future.
In Colombia we ministered at a camp retreat for youth with Open Arms Church. They are committed to feeding, clothing, sheltering and restoring the street children. We took these youth to camp and saw the transforming power of Jesus Christ at work up in the mountains. We specifically saw God minister deep emotional healing during this time. This was precious as most of the youth attending the retreat came from a history of all kinds of abuse. We also had the privilege of visiting the poor children's homes to minister to them and their families.
In Peru we hooked up with Remy's childhood teacher who was now a pastor in a great church in Lima. We partnered with their church and ministered at several hospitals. The time spent in the hospitals was powerful and many people received Jesus Christ at their Lord and Savior in their hospital beds. We also ministered at a child's church service in an extremely poor area, where kids walked from all over to enjoy the service and the meal that the church provides for them weekly. another special time of ministry fro us was at the woman's prison in Lima. The women were hungry for God and received the word and ministry. They were inspired through the message and touched by the time of prayer afterwards.
Once again we ministered a family church camp this year. Terry to the adults and Pat to the children. As we compared notes, we discovered that we were both teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit at exactly the same time. Many families were bless by this . One lady said that her husband, mother and children all received the baptism of the Holy Spirit that weekend. She had prayed for a long time for this to happen. After camp we were invited to minister to the leadership and families of this church. We are so proud of Pastor James and Rachel and all they have accomplished in 13 short years. They have done a great job of raising and disciplining leaders in their church. It is always a pleasure to work alongside these wonderful friends.
Despite bathing in a bucket, sleeping in difficult situations and eating food foreign to our American systems, the Christians in India make our ministry there one of our favorites. Terry was asked to minister to hundreds of leaders and pastors this year and I had the awesome opportunity to minister to the children, a desire of mine for a long time. I also was invited to minister at a camp for 300 Hindu children where each child was fed a nourishing meal. Unique to this trip was traveling up to Punjab, on the border of Pakistan to minister at their first Pastor and Leaders Conference. The extra special blessing was to spend time with Pastor and Grace Mathews, spiritual leaders and founders of Alpha Ministries. I always come home with great encouragement and truths after spending time with my spiritual adopted parents.
Posted by Mantle Ministries at 5:06 PM 0 comments