Then it was off to camp, where our team took two bus loads of children to camp. Most of them did not even know what "going to camp" actually meant, but many had seen pictures of previous years and were excited to go. Once we were at camp, each morning began with Jonathan leading a group of us into worship of our Lord; a beautiful way to start our days.
After worship we had our morning exercise routine, led by the teenagers. These kids practiced for hours before camp and were a blessing.
Climbing the mountain each year is always a wonderful experience. To watch children accomplish something they think is impossible is such a blessing. This year the teen age boys took turns carrying a girl bound to a wheel chair up the mountain so she could participate. She was elated.
Having fun is a big part of camp. We participated in many fun filled activities where much ministry and teaching takes place.
Children's lives transformed before our eyes. The first day we could not get one volunteer to pray for the meal or volunteer to help in the night ministry. But the last night the entire crowd was eagerly volunteering. What a glorious sight. We ended camp with prayers filled with tears by both the children and our team as we prayed over their lives and the future God holds for them.